Twins are of course hard, but much easier than triplets. Leiah could actually enjoy them, and still get enough sleep so that she didn't pass out. Raine and Misty were just so laid back.
Even though she was grown up now, Rachelle still loved playing with the blocks table, and had it all to herself as the twins were still babies and her brothers weren't interested in it anymore.
Leiah's favorite food was sushi, apparently Raurk(I think, that could be Rauleigh :P) didn't like it, and waved the smell away from his nose any time he got near some.
After eating her sushi, it was time for Leiah to clean the house. So she cleaned the sink....
...And the shower.
Once the whole house was clean, Leiah went shopping again. The clothes she had gotten last time had mysteriously disappeared. (Or, I couldn't remember where I downloaded them from)
Next, it was time for the twins to grow up! Here's Raine as a toddler, for the most part, she had been able to skip her father's genetics. Lucky girl! But she still had her father's nose....
But, Misty had not been so lucky. She looked exactly like her father. The only thing she got from Leiah was her blue eyes. But like her father, she had squinty eyes, a big nose, and her father's mouth. She just won't let you see her mouth because she's always sucking on her pacifier.
Aaaaannndd..... It was the triplet's birthday too! Here's Raurk as a teenager!(Or Rauleigh) He always looked mad, with his high-arched eyebrows.
Here is the beautiful Rachelle. She still looked exactly like her father, and she still loved her father unconditionally. She was forever going out to lunch with Ryor, shopping with Ryor, or just talking to Ryor on the phone. She loved him, and he loved her.
Last but not least, is Rauleigh(or Raurk XD) he had a boyish face that made him look younger than he really was.
They all loved each other so much. Leiah could tell Rachelle would be a great mother.
Rauleigh was so helpful! He helped Leiah while she was sleeping, by teaching Misty to walk!
After she rested, Leiah got a call from somebody who wanted to take part in her challenge! Yay!
She invited him over and met him outside. He introduced himself right away.
"Hi, my name is Dakota Callahan. Don't bother introducing yourself, I of course already know who you are."
He paused for a moment and cleared his throat.
"Leiah, I want to get something out in the open here. I hate kids. Like, I really hate them."
Leiah could do nothing but stand there and nod stupidly. The guy was gorgeous! After her first few weird pregnancies, she wanted a daddy that was normal.... And good looking.
Finally, she snapped herself back.
"Well, that's okay then. Because you don't ever have to see the child."
"Well, that's why I wanted to do this. My whole family has been after me forever to have kids, I figured that this might shut them up. As long as you're okay with them seeing the child."
She inched closer to him.
"So... What do you say?"
"Well, I can't say no to such a beautiful woman... And since I was the one that called you, I'll say of course I'll be your next baby daddy."
"Thank you, oh thank you! You won't regret it, I promise!!"
Leiah squealed.
He put her down and she leaned in for a kiss. Their first kiss maybe, but definitely not HER first kiss.
After their first kiss, Dakota grabbed her and started making out with her.
Leiah pulled away and whispered in his ear.
"Shall we move this into my room?"
She said softly.
He agreed, and they both went inside for....
The makings of baby number 7!!!!
Afterwards, she couldn't help but stare at his well defined muscles. (*Drool*)
Leiah said goodbye to Dakota, and went to bed.
Ahhh, the first signs of pregnancy, morning sickness.
She cleaned herself up, then decided to age up the twins early, so that the cribs would be free for the new baby/babies.
Here's Misty, who was in love with Tweety Bird or anything pink, and looked even more like her dad. To make things worse, because of her small eyes, she had trouble seeing, and needed glasses. Misty would surely get teased like Leiah had. She had also gotten her father's fat gene.
Here's Raine, who loved Bugs Bunny and got lucky, she only had her father's nose. She had inherited his fat gene though.
"Mom, kids at school are calling Raine and I names... Like fat, and ugly."
Leiah nodded, she had expected as much.
"Well, when the kids say mean stuff about you, just think about something nice. Like stars."
"Stars? How do you know that works?"
"Misty, I was teased when I was a kid too, I was called the exact same names as you. Just trust me. Think about sparkly and pretty stars."
"Thanks mom!"
Misty ran away to tell her sister what their mom had said.
After some time, Leiah finally thought that she should tell the twins about her newest pregnancy and the 100 baby challenge.
So she explained it in the exact same way as she had explained it to the other children.
"Woah mom, doesn't having babies hurt?"
"I'm not going to lie... It does hurt, but it's so worth it when I get to see my beautiful kids."
Raine smiled and put a hand on her mom's shoulder.
"Mom? Can I feel the baby?"
Leiah laughed and nodded as Raine put her hands on Leiah's stomach.
"You may not feel anything though, it's still early."
The next morning, her belly became visible.
She always got creative when pregnant, so she loved to paint while she felt the baby/babies grow inside her.
Her stomach grew at a rapid rate.
Even though she hated cleaning the toilet, when she was pregnant, she had an acute sense of smell. So, even when she was downstairs, the upstairs toilet made her nauseous.
This baby was seriously growing fast. Is it going to be a premature birth, or multiples?
The girls always loved feeling the baby kick.
Leiah was just getting ready to take a swim in the pool, when....
Contractions hit and her water broke! The baby was coming! Premature birth for sure, Leiah was only two days into her pregnancy!
After a "water birth" right next to the pool, Leiah welcomed baby number 7, Dustin Mistoffelees!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
I got all my CC back on and my saved games in the game, and started playing for like 10 minutes today! So the next post should be up very very soon! My brother started school today, so I'll have the computer from whenever I wake up to 3:30, so that will give me lots of time :)
But, after school starts, I'm moving in with my mom, and the computer I have the Sims on is at my dad's.(I'd really rather not re-load it on my mom's computer)
SO, the posts will definitely be spread out then, as I'll have limited Sim access. At best, I'll have a new post up every 3 weeks probably. So this challenge will take a LONG time, but I'm up to the challenge if you guys will help me!
But, after school starts, I'm moving in with my mom, and the computer I have the Sims on is at my dad's.(I'd really rather not re-load it on my mom's computer)
SO, the posts will definitely be spread out then, as I'll have limited Sim access. At best, I'll have a new post up every 3 weeks probably. So this challenge will take a LONG time, but I'm up to the challenge if you guys will help me!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Still haven't started!
I still haven't started yet on baby 6. Not because I didn't have time, but because the computer I had it loaded on freaked out and crashed because of a virus.
So I've been re-downloading my CC so Leiah and her kids don't look completely different.
After re-downloading the CC, I'm going to try and save my old games.(More importantly, I'm going to try and save my 100 baby challenge!)
We copied the saved games onto a jump drive, and I'm hoping that everything will go right, and I can just cut and paste them back into the saved games file and they'll just show up... Or at least I'm hoping so ;)
That being said, the next post should be up within about a week. (if it's not up this week, it won't be up until the weekend AFTER labor day, since we're traveling for labor day weekend)
So I've been re-downloading my CC so Leiah and her kids don't look completely different.
After re-downloading the CC, I'm going to try and save my old games.(More importantly, I'm going to try and save my 100 baby challenge!)
We copied the saved games onto a jump drive, and I'm hoping that everything will go right, and I can just cut and paste them back into the saved games file and they'll just show up... Or at least I'm hoping so ;)
That being said, the next post should be up within about a week. (if it's not up this week, it won't be up until the weekend AFTER labor day, since we're traveling for labor day weekend)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Don't judge a book by it's cover- babies 5 and 6
Triplets were hard, because well, while she was snuggling Rachelle, she had to keep an eye on the boys.
Leiah had to keep an eye on the boys, because they were usually screaming their little heads off.
The only thing that kept them truly quiet, was food. Even that didn't last long.
Leiah had learned to nap when the triplets were napping, she also learned to not take sleep for granted. It seemed like each baby needed something at a different time.
After Leiah's nap, it was time to celebrate Cory's birthday. Happy Birthday Cory!
Once Cory had grown up into a teen, Leiah tried to make it upstairs for another nap, but passed out just before she got to her bed.
Cory was a great big brother, and loved to help Leiah whenever she was napping or drinking a cup of coffee.
Coffee was the only thing that kept her awake sometimes.
Finally, it was time for the triplet's birthdays! Here is little Rauleigh as a toddler.
Here is little Raurk....
Awww, things like this make it all worthwhile for Leiah.
....And here is Rachelle as a toddler! She definitely was a daddy's girl, and looked just like him too! She also loved the color pink. Also unlike her brothers, she wouldn't go anywhere without her binky, whereas her brothers never wanted to even touch a binky.
She was so low-key. Where as her brothers were high-maintenance. Rachelle was almost always happy.
While Raurk and Rachelle slept, Leiah taught Rauleigh to walk, he's so smart!
One thing that didn't change was the screaming.
After all three were potty trained, and knew how to walk and talk, it was time for their birthday again!
Here is Raurk! Who knew where he got his dark hair with red streaks, considering his Grandma and father were blonde, and his mother had light brown hair with blonde streaks.
Here is Rachelle, who still looked a lot like her daddy.
And, here is Rauleigh, who looks a lot like his brother, but has blue eyes instead of olive colored eyes. How did both boys get that dark hair?
Then, it was time for Cory's birthday once again! He grew into a handsome young adult.
"Cory, do you remember when I told you about the 100 baby challenge? Well, I'm going to get straight to the point here... I need you to move out so I can have more kids."
"Alright mom, I'll move. I'm going to miss you and the triplets, but if I have to do it, I'll go. I love you mom."
This was why Leiah went through all the trouble to go through this challenge, she loved hearing "I love you mom", there was nothing quite like it.
So Cory hopped onto a computer, found a house, and moved out.
After Cory left, Leiah took a walk, and came across a strange house by sort of a swamp-like area. She knew somebody lived there, because there was a "Sold" sign on the lawn, and by the door it said: "Eyes household". But when she knocked, nobody answered, so she waited outside.
While she waited, she chatted to Cory on the phone, Cory had just gotten all moved into his new house and was ecstatic.
After a while though, nobody came, so she said goodbye to Cory, and went home.
The next morning, she treated herself to a little shopping spree, and got herself a few new outfits and maternity clothes.
After going shopping, she went back to the house, and this time, a strange man answered and invited her inside.
"H...Hi, I'm Leiah Mistoffelees."
"Well Hello, my name is Slitty Eyes."
The name really did suit him, he had very squinty eyes.
"Listen, I'm sorry for just barging in here... I...."
"Oh well, it's no problem. I'd like to say it happens all the time, but I just moved here a little over a week ago, so I can't say that without lying."
"Well, I better go then, sorry if I interrupted anything..."
"Wait, wait! Did you say your name was Leiah Mistoffelees?"
Leiah said inquisitively.
"Well, I hope you don't mind me being blunt with you, but I've always wanted children, but I don't have the best genetics you see, so I didn't think I'd ever have children... I saw your ad in the paper the other day, and I was going to call you, but I guess now that you're here, I can just ask you, can I be the next father of your 100 baby challenge?"
Leiah said.
"Please? Do I have to beg?"
Slitty said, looking at her and trying to make his small eyes as big as possible.
Leiah sighed. Being a chubby girl with glasses when she was a kid, she knew what it was like to be teased about her looks.
"Oh alright."
"Thank you so much Leiah."
He said huskily, trying to be sexy, but falling short.
"Really Leiah, thanks so so so much!"
Slitty said as he hugged her.
Slitty kissed her, as they got ready to make baby number 5!
"Are you ready Slitty?"
Leiah said, leaning over as they relaxed on his bed.
"As ready as I'll ever be."
Slitty said with a childish grin.
The makings of baby number 5! Luckily, Leiah heard the baby chimes right away, thank goodness for the fertility treatment! No more awkward moments like it was when conceiving baby number 1!
Leiah left soon after, trying to keep the memories of her less-than-perfect childhood from coming back. Slitty had only reminded her of what she was back then, the fat girl with glasses and braces. She was that no more though, she was a beautiful young adult, and that's all that mattered.
When she woke up the next morning, she felt the familiar feeling of... Morning sickness.
She ran to the bathroom to throw up, would she ever get used to this? She didn't know, but she hated throwing up. But, it was for a good cause if she got a baby out of the deal.
After she had cleaned herself up, and gotten the kids off to school, she went for a swim, which felt wonderful on a blazing hot day while she waited for the kids to get home.
Leiah hugged all three children when they got home from school, being a mom was the best.
After seeing that all her children were home safe, she went to the park and saw a bunch of butterflies. She caught one, but let it go right away. She could never hurt anything, or let a poor defenseless thing get sent to a science lab to be tested on. It was just cruel.
Meanwhile, her stomach grew, and she decided it was time to tell the triplets about the challenge.
"Sweety, mommy is doing a thing called the 100 baby challenge, and..."
Leiah continued on to describe the rules of the challenge, and why their father wasn't there to help take care of them.
"Would you please help me tell Rachelle and Raurk? Tell them that if they have any questions, they can ask anything."
"So, I'm going to have, let's see... 96 more siblings?"
Leiah laughed, Rauleigh's reaction was so much like his older brother's.
"Exactly, and mom is pregnant with one of those siblings right now! That's why Cory had to move out."
"Woah, mom, can I feel the baby kick?"
Rauleigh asked, getting excited.
Rauleigh put his hands on her belly and laughed when he felt the baby kick.
"Woah, he or she is strong!"
Leiah laughed back and nodded, knowing the triplets would be good older siblings.
When the triplets were at school, Leiah found herself getting bored, since she didn't have a baby to take care of, so she purchased a workbench, and started getting into inventing.
And still her belly got bigger...
...And bigger....
....And bigger! Until she felt she would pop!
And pop she did! The baby was coming, and Raurk was freaking out!
After having a home birth with the triplets, Leiah went to the hospital this time around.
After hours of labor, the baby carrier arrived! Multiples!
It was twins! Welcome Raine....
....And Misty! The weird thing was, just like Raurk and Rauleigh having black hair with red streaks, Raine and Misty had dark skin! Which was strange, since Leiah had fair skin, and Slitty had greenish blue skin. Leiah was just happy that so far, it didn't look like they had inherited their father's genetics. It's not that she would be scared if her daughters did have his genetics, she just wanted to spare them from the teasing she had gotten as a child.
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