
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tall, Dark, and Handsome- Baby number 7!

Twins are of course hard, but much easier than triplets. Leiah could actually enjoy them, and still get enough sleep so that she didn't pass out. Raine and Misty were just so laid back.

Even though she was grown up now, Rachelle still loved playing with the blocks table, and had it all to herself as the twins were still babies and her brothers weren't interested in it anymore.

Leiah's favorite food was sushi, apparently Raurk(I think, that could be Rauleigh :P) didn't like it, and waved the smell away from his nose any time he got near some.

After eating her sushi, it was time for Leiah to clean the house. So she cleaned the sink....

...And the shower.

Once the whole house was clean, Leiah went shopping again. The clothes she had gotten last time had mysteriously disappeared. (Or, I couldn't remember where I downloaded them from)

Next, it was time for the twins to grow up! Here's Raine as a toddler, for the most part, she had been able to skip her father's genetics. Lucky girl! But she still had her father's nose....

But, Misty had not been so lucky. She looked exactly like her father. The only thing she got from Leiah was her blue eyes. But like her father, she had squinty eyes, a big nose, and her father's mouth. She just won't let you see her mouth because she's always sucking on her pacifier.

Aaaaannndd..... It was the triplet's birthday too! Here's Raurk as a teenager!(Or Rauleigh) He always looked mad, with his high-arched eyebrows.

Here is the beautiful Rachelle. She still looked exactly like her father, and she still loved her father unconditionally. She was forever going out to lunch with Ryor, shopping with Ryor, or just talking to Ryor on the phone. She loved him, and he loved her.

Last but not least, is Rauleigh(or Raurk XD) he had a boyish face that made him look younger than he really was.

They all loved each other so much. Leiah could tell Rachelle would be a great mother.

Rauleigh was so helpful! He helped Leiah while she was sleeping, by teaching Misty to walk!

After she rested, Leiah got a call from somebody who wanted to take part in her challenge! Yay!

She invited him over and met him outside. He introduced himself right away.

"Hi, my name is Dakota Callahan. Don't bother introducing yourself, I of course already know who you are."

He paused for a moment and cleared his throat.

"Leiah, I want to get something out in the open here. I hate kids. Like, I really hate them."

Leiah could do nothing but stand there and nod stupidly. The guy was gorgeous! After her first few weird pregnancies, she wanted a daddy that was normal.... And good looking.

Finally, she snapped herself back.

"Well, that's okay then. Because you don't ever have to see the child."

"Well, that's why I wanted to do this. My whole family has been after me forever to have kids, I figured that this might shut them up. As long as you're okay with them seeing the child."

She inched closer to him.

"So... What do you say?"

"Well, I can't say no to such a beautiful woman... And since I was the one that called you, I'll say of course I'll be your next baby daddy."

"Thank you, oh thank you! You won't regret it, I promise!!"
Leiah squealed.

He put her down and she leaned in for a kiss. Their first kiss maybe, but definitely not HER first kiss.

After their first kiss, Dakota grabbed her and started making out with her.

Leiah pulled away and whispered in his ear.

"Shall we move this into my room?"
She said softly.

He agreed, and they both went inside for....

The makings of baby number 7!!!!

Afterwards, she couldn't help but stare at his well defined muscles. (*Drool*)

Leiah said goodbye to Dakota, and went to bed.

Ahhh, the first signs of pregnancy, morning sickness.

She cleaned herself up, then decided to age up the twins early, so that the cribs would be free for the new baby/babies.

Here's Misty, who was in love with Tweety Bird or anything pink, and looked even more like her dad. To make things worse, because of her small eyes, she had trouble seeing, and needed glasses. Misty would surely get teased like Leiah had. She had also gotten her father's fat gene.

Here's Raine, who loved Bugs Bunny and got lucky, she only had her father's nose. She had inherited his fat gene though.

"Mom, kids at school are calling Raine and I names... Like fat, and ugly."

Leiah nodded, she had expected as much.
"Well, when the kids say mean stuff about you, just think about something nice. Like stars."

"Stars? How do you know that works?"

"Misty, I was teased when I was a kid too, I was called the exact same names as you. Just trust me. Think about sparkly and pretty stars."

"Thanks mom!"

Misty ran away to tell her sister what their mom had said.

After some time, Leiah finally thought that she should tell the twins about her newest pregnancy and the 100 baby challenge.

So she explained it in the exact same way as she had explained it to the other children.

"Woah mom, doesn't having babies hurt?"

"I'm not going to lie... It does hurt, but it's so worth it when I get to see my beautiful kids."

Raine smiled and put a hand on her mom's shoulder.

"Mom? Can I feel the baby?"

Leiah laughed and nodded as Raine put her hands on Leiah's stomach.

"You may not feel anything though, it's still early."

The next morning, her belly became visible.

She always got creative when pregnant, so she loved to paint while she felt the baby/babies grow inside her.

Her stomach grew at a rapid rate.

Even though she hated cleaning the toilet, when she was pregnant, she had an acute sense of smell. So, even when she was downstairs, the upstairs toilet made her nauseous.

This baby was seriously growing fast. Is it going to be a premature birth, or multiples?

The girls always loved feeling the baby kick.

Leiah was just getting ready to take a swim in the pool, when....

Contractions hit and her water broke! The baby was coming! Premature birth for sure, Leiah was only two days into her pregnancy!

After a "water birth" right next to the pool, Leiah welcomed baby number 7, Dustin Mistoffelees!

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